Hello 👋,
Devon County Council, for me, have not got a good track record for the environment and wildlife, wanting to build everywhere. Cranbrook was opposed by many Whimplers, including myself. It was built on flood plains, it could be a gateway to urbanise Whimple (something I do not want for my home village) and it was built on wildlife habitat. Please consider the wildlife more. What about all those rabbits 🐰, rodents, birds, badgers 🦡, foxes 🦊, deer (maybe) and others that have likely lost their homes due to the human development and encroachment on their habitat in Devon? Animals are often sentient beings, too...
The Council may have built Cranbrook for financial and/or economic gain, as well as providing more houses, but please stop acting selfish and anthropocentric! I don't want humans to have to suffer or die either. Humans and animals are of almost if not equal importance. However, effective, alternative methods of housing and helping the homeless and those in need should be utilised instead, including providing more work and financial support to homeless charities and those in need, renovating old houses, donating food and other supplies to charities and those in need, campaigning for as big as possible an increase in compassionate financial and other support for the homeless and those in need from the Government and dramatically lowering the prices of houses and dramatically lowering the cost of rent and supporting housing, rented and charity accommodation for the homeless instead of building.
Please stop all unnecessary building on wildlife habitat, create as many more nature reserves as possible, increase support for wildlife charities and wildlife preservation as much as possible, ensure that all forestry in Devon and elsewhere is 100% sustainable, work to end all "culling", work on and talk about more support for the reintroduction of native predators (such as wolves 🐺) and promote organic, wildlife-friendly farming.
Thank you 😊 to the moon 🌒 and back.
Best Wishes to all,
Have the best day and night ever!