Punish the dog killers, Now!

Earlier in the day of 31 August 2019, a video was released in which two men were seen killing a dog mercilessly in the open daylight. One of the men held the dog while the other one battered the helpless dog to death with multiple hits on his head. the dog was then dragged across the road with the chain. A small truck was seen passing through that carried the carcasses and some dogs, barely alive. It was later discovered that the incident happened in Diktel Municipality (Khotang) Nepal.

This is disturbing, disheartening. inhumane and against the law. We want the culprits to be held accountable for their actions. If we do not take any actions today, incidences like this will repeat in future.

Update #15 years ago
First of all, thank you very much for taking the time and effort to join hands in our petition. It is because of you and many others like you, that the incident in Khotang did not become just another story. A police complaint has been filed against the culprits for the merciless killing of dogs.
We will keep you updated on any new happenings.
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