Every year since 2009, the Summer Solstice starts a horrible and demented 10-day 'festival' in Yulin, China that results in tens of thousands of dogs and cats tortured, beaten, and slaughtered to death in the most unimaginable and inhumane acts of animal cruelty, only to be consumed by less than 20% of the Chinese population. Their belief is that the animal's meat is more tender if they are suffering excruciating pain while being tortured to death by blow torch, clubbing, vats of boiling oil, among several other satanic methods. It is not illegal to consume dog meat in China thus millions of cats and dogs are killed across China year round and thousands are murdered within the summer months in Yulin alone.
Several animal activist organizations have tried to do what they can to save these poor, defenseless pets who were stolen from their families or nabbed off the streets. Kudos to them for the successes that they have had however the torture and killings still continue.
Now, this is NOT a political plea, whether you favor his decisions and beliefs or not, we MUST come together to demand President Trump to utilize his centers of influences and negotiation skills to end this nightmare and make consuming dog meat in China illegal, and at the very least, make it illegal to use barbaric measures to kill these poor animals.
Dogs and cats are pets, not for human consumption. This is the Year of the Dog! There is no better time than now to end their suffering and show them love!