Panzer Nubbins lived a beautiful life taking care of his family. His mom was prone to seizures and both his mom and grandpa suffered from P.T.S.D. Panzer was very proud to become a service dog, following in the family footsteps of service members. Panzers did his job well and with pride.
Sadness fell upon the family in early June when they had learned Panzer had cancer. On June 11th 2020 Panzer underwent a very draining surgery to remove cancer from his paw. He was not happy about the limp he had or the cone on his head but he was determined to get better and get back to work.
On June 16th 2020, In Moore, Oklahoma Panzer Nubbins was shot and killed in the living room floor of his own home doing his job by a police officer. Merely days after Panzer had surgery his bedroom door was opened and he saw a strange man standing in his living room. He got up to investigate and in 14 seconds the stranger in his home decided his life was over. Panzer made it out of his room and just into his living room before being shot twice, shattering the cone he had on and ending his life, changing many forever.
When Panzers owners asked for the police report they were told " A dog isn't worth ruining an officers career." Panzer wasn't just a dog. Panzer was family, He was a service member, he was a friend and above everything he was a life.
Panzers family has hope that the person who shot and killed Panzer will be held responsible for his actions. We are asking that the Oklahoma City Police Chief Identify and hold this man accountable, regardless, if he is an officer. The trauma he has caused this family by not only discharging his fire arm in a home with two veterans while one was reaching for Panzer but killing their service dog in front of them shouldn't go unknown. The horrific and needless murder of Panzer has changed life for this family forever. We also ask that the Oklahoma City Police Department undergo proper animal training with the Humane Society to make sure this type of incident doesn't happen again. It's time the needless killing of animals be stopped.