The UK has set a list of so-called "goals" for itself when it comes to conservation. But these "goals" are so laughably minimal, they would actually allow
all of the bees, ants, moths, and other vital insects to go extinct in the country.
Sign the petition to demand the UK government strengthens its conservation plan to save these important creatures!Insects are important to our ecosystems for a wide variety of reasons. One of the most significant roles they play is in pollinating plants - which, in turn,
keeps the food chain alive for the rest of all living beings. On top of that, they help maintain soil health, contribute to decomposition and recirculating vital nutrients, and act as pest-controls.
Yet already, bees, ants, and other insects have been facing
a devastating population loss in the UK. This poses a gigantic threat to food security in that country and beyond.As the non-profit conservation organization Buglife correctly summarizes, "Insects and other invertebrates are the foundations of a healthy environment, helping to do far more than just pollinate crops. They underpin our ecosystems and without healthy populations, it will be impossible to halt nature's decline.
The British government must immediately create and implement a more robust environmental conservation plan that also prioritizes protecting bees, ants, and other important insects. The health of the ecosystem and our planet depends upon it! Sign the petition!