• by: Rachell Jones
  • recipient: Marco Rubio, Rick Scott, Neal Dunn & Ron DeSantis

Healthy companion animals are being euthanized daily due to lack of space and it needs to stop!! We need to find places to put these animals! Create paying jobs for people to take care of them! We need to reassess how tax payer dollars are being utilized to ensure there is proper funding for these hopeless animals. We are the reason this problem exists and we need to fix it! These are companion animals and they feel! Pictured is Taz who sadly lost his life too soon to euthanasia due to lack of space on 9/11. Taz is just one of thousands that were killed today! 
An interim analysis of data received from 95% of Florida shelters as of September 2017 from UF Maddies's Shelter Medicine showed that: More than 400,000 cats and dogs entered Florida animal shelters in 2016. Live outcomes were achieved for 73% of animals. Live outcomes for cats at 65% and dogs at 81%! This is unacceptable!
We need to be above 90% across the board with a 100% reporting effort from the 151 animal shelters in Florida!

Update #15 years ago
Sorry this is my first petition I have ever done! I updated my name on the petition and my target which includes Florida Senators Marco Rubio & Rick Scott; Florida US Rep Neal Dunn & Florida Governor Ron DeSantis! Thank you for your support
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