In the 21st century many of America’s largest retail companies and manufacturers still test on animals to sell products. One of these large companies include the infamous Victoria’s Secret, most famous for women’s lingerie, but also for their wide selection of women’s perfumes. In this matter, these perfumes that woman all over America purchase are the same perfumes that are tested on our innocent animals. Victoria’s Secret has been actively acknowledging the fact that they do not test their products on animals, but recently have come out with a perfume that indeed neglects that rule. The company has denounced its cruelty free customers choosing “profit over principle.” In order to put an end to this cruelty done to our innocent animals, these scientists should develop an alternative method like “cell based tests” to assess the safety of these consumer products. We must stop purchasing fragrance products from Victoria’s Secret, to let them know that we will no longer be customers if they begin to test on animals.
Animal testing is an extremely horrific and unethical thing to do; however, it still happens on a daily basis; as a matter of fact, it is increasing. The laboratories that conduct animal experimentation all over the world consist of animals in extreme pain, frustration, and loneliness.(PETA) It is unfair that these innocent animals suffer and they cannot do much about it, so we should speak up and take action on this. Annually, more than 100 million animals die because of animal experimentation. PETA states, “Exact numbers aren’t available because mice, rats, birds, and cold-blooded animals—who make up more than 99 percent of animals used in experiments—are not covered by even the minimal protections of the Animal Welfare Act and therefore go uncounted.” If this many animals’ lives are not counted and the estimate is still approximately 100 million yearly, something's definitely wrong. It is a drastic amount of animal lives that are being taken away unnecessarily.
Large companies such as Victoria’s Secret have more than enough money with their current businesses, yet they still want to expand into China, knowing this means acceptance of animal experimentation. They prefer to expand their business as it is convenient for their company, completely disregarding the harm they are committing to these animals.
In the article “These Beauty Brands Are Still Tested on Animals” PETA states, “After years of upholding its policy never to test on animals, the company has let down compassionate consumers everywhere by choosing profits over principles” (8). Victoria Secret has chosen to betray its cruelty free regulation to pursue an increase in sales. Sure, it benefits the company, but this only increases a higher risk that these animals will end up being poisoned which will eventually lead to trauma or even death. There is an alternative that is cell based tests (a non-animal research method) to discard these cruel animal testings. This method can be used to assess the safety when it comes into contact with a human. “Ceetox” developed a method to stop these testings that is MatTek’s EpiDermTM Tissue Model “... a 3-dimensional, human cell–derived skin model that replicates key traits of normal human skin” (6). This method imitates human traits and decreases the use of animals for experimentations.
Research shows that scientists from Harvard Wyss Institute have created a new form of technology that may benefit the cruelty-free customers. Another alternative method that can replace testing on animals can be microchips that mimic human characteristics and give out human reactions without the use of animals. The reason scientists test on animals to begin with is because they want to find out what reactions occur, if any, from whatever product is being used as well as not endangering humans. This creation can possibly diminish the use of animal testing or even completely get rid of it at one point, if it is successful. With this new form of experimentation, predictions of human responses may also be determined without harming animals. In many cases, animal experimentations provide results that are irrelevant to humans; therefore, this demonstrates that animal experimentation is unnecessary and should be preventable.
Your signature today can have a powerful impact on animal testing. By signing this petition you can let Victoria’s Secret know that you do not support their expansion into China since that means animal experimentation will happen.
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