Stop the Largest-Ever Massacre of Wild Horses: Save 5,000 Lives from Cruel Slaughter

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
In a shocking and heartbreaking move, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) plans to eradicate nearly 5,000 wild horses and eliminate their habitat across 2.1 million acres in Wyoming's Checkerboard region. This unprecedented action is an immoral atrocity that could throw ecological balances into disarray.

Sign the petition to stop this inhumane plan and protect wild horses from this massive, cruel slaughter!

The plan would drive these majestic animals from their homes and condemn them to death. Wild horses have roamed these lands for generations; this is their home and they haven't done anything wrong. On top of that, they are deeply important for maintaining ecological balance, biodiversity, and healthy grasslands. Their presence plays a vital role in enriching ecosystems, benefiting a wide array of plant and animal species.

Yet they are set to be removed from areas like the Red Desert, a crucial part of their habitat, all to make way for human development and agricultural livestock grazing.

This plan directly contradicts the protections guaranteed by the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act, which safeguards these animals as an integral part of our natural heritage. Yet the proposed plan has been approved by a recent court decision - but that doesn't mean it's all over.

We can't allow greed and special interests to win out over conservation! Wild horses deserve to live free and thrive in their natural habitat without being subjected to such extreme and unnecessary cruelty. Sign the petition to demand that the BLM halt this brutal plan and respect the protections established for these iconic animals.
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