H.R.1406 - Dog and Cat Meat Trade Prohibition Act of 2017: To amend the animal welfare act to prohibit the slaughter of dogs and cats for human consumption. If passed, this bill will prohibit any person to knowingly ship, transport, move, deliver, receive, possess, purchase, sell or donate dog or cat parts for human consumption.
In a majority of the United States (44 states) it is still legal to slaughter dogs and cats for the purpose of human consumption of these animals. We want the message to be sent worldwide that human consumption of dog and cat meat is unacceptable everywhere, not only in Asia and that is ultimately, if the bill passes, against the law in the United States. This legislation is important because even though it seldom happens here in the United States, it is about setting precedence. It is about teaching and setting the example. America cannot criticize when there is no law prohibiting those acts here. As of March 2018 HR1406 has 236 cosponsors.
This petition is to urge Chairman Mike Conaway to cosponsor, review and markup HR1406 out of the House Agriculture Committee. We are also urging House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy to call HR1406 onto the House Floor for a vote without further delay.
Please sign and share the petition now!.