I bought a home in 2005 that was grossly misrepresented. It's in a private lake community. In 1970 when the City took over a road that touches my property there was a portion of my yard that was taken with it. This land houses my septic fields and my children play there. It's one of the reaons I bought my home. Without a fence it's dangerous and I cannot sell my home due to the fact that the City has claimed ownership of the land. I was told, "What precedence would we set if we gave you back the land". "Then Everyone could do the same". The precenense in my opinion is that government is there for the people and not to harm people. Further, the precedence would say loud and clear we care about our citizens. Mayor Mark Boughtons slogan is "People over Politics" and he claims to be a Christian man. I am asking you to do what's is right for a family. We cannot sell our home due to this fact. In fact, instead of giving us the useless land back and helping us we were sued and made to remove our fence. What has been done to our family is wrong, it's unconsitutuional and it needs to be shown in the light. Isa 29:15-16 We have a small landscaping business-are NOT in violation of ANY of the City of Danbury's ordinances, but repeatedly The City of Danbury does not come on equal protection grounds as stated in the Act of 1983 and is trying to use their power to get us to remove our legal-combination plate pick-up trucks. Further, we by your ordinance do not have anything at our home that every other citizen does not have. Why? It serves no purpose to the City of Danbury but to prove it's point that it can. Further there is no law in existence either local or otherwise that we are in violation of yet you keep dragging us back to court with full knowledge of this fact. We do not break ANY of the odinances and we live like every other citizen in Danbury, CT. We forgive you for what you have put us through becauae the Lord orders me to, and we are asking that you leave us alone. Stop dragging us back to court and do what is right by our family. Do not offer us a license agreement again as we are aware and will never accept. That only helps the City of Danbury, not my family. A license, unlike an easement, is having the permission of the owner—the licensor—to enter his land for a specific purpose. Unlike an easement, the license can be rescinded at any time. A license will also terminate upon the death of either the licensee or the licensor, or if the licensor sells the land. Hence, although a license is similar to an easement, a license is not actually an encumbrance on the real estate and does not transfer with the title. The craziest part is after a survey we were sued for land that does NOT belong to the City, yet the courts refuse to even look at the evidence & the City refuses to abide by the laws it is suppose to uphold. We have been singled out and it's wrong.
We are asking for what is the right thig to do. Give the land back to the family and collect the tax money. Why go through this to hurt us. It makes no sense. All we want is the American Dream-Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Stop dragging us back to court when we live like everyone else in Danbury, CT. All we ask is for you to honor your slogan. "People over politics".
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