First off, this isn't a petition about becoming a vegan, this is a petition to stop cruelty towards animals. To start off 2019, several kids put a lit firecracker in a dogs mouth. Unfortunately too many of you can already guess where this is going. "Kids." Because they are "kids," they won't be brought on charges for causing such a horrific pain to a dog that did nothing other than take a firecracker they willingly fed him.
Now let's focus on a full grown police officer who executed a women's baby Rottweiler right in front of her in her property for running up and barking at him. That's right, you guessed it, his punishment was a half ass apology from the police department being issued on his behalf. That women was told her dog was murdered due to an investigation, are you kidding me? Are you f****** serious?
These are just two of thousands of incidents where animals suffered horrific pain, and as for the individual(s) who caused it? Would you like to take another guess? No justice. Stop this from happening today, make it so that 2020 starts and ends with every individual who causes unnecessary harm to an animal faces criminal charges, hefty monetary fines, and all court cases will be publicized so that these sick individuals will never walk the street without being noticed for the pieces of shit they are.
I'd like to finish by saying I'm not a vegaterian, I eat meat, and I'm not a saint when it comes to wildlife preservation or what have you. But one thing I truly believe in, and will till my dying breathe, is there is never, ever a reason to cause harm to an animal for the pleasure of being cruel. Let's put an end to it now, demand each and every individual, young or old, sick or healthy, be held 100% accountable for torturing pets and wildlife through criminal charges, public shaming, and monetary fines that will make them work within an inch of their pathetic lives to pay off. Each dollar of which, after courts fees, will go into veterinarian clinics and animal shelters, or in other words, an ironic punishment.