No Nuclear Bundabunda at Brewarrina - bad poison

    It is disappointing that the local Councillors and Council would even consider such an atrocity as a nuclear waste dump at Brewarrina.
    If Nuclear waste was so safe why is it taken over 35years to find a site, why are they seeking to build in isolated communities with the majority off the population being Aboriginal?
    Brewarrina is known worldwide for the oldest man-made structure in the world with Baiame's Ngunnhu Fish Traps and we want to keep it that way, not to be known as a nuclear waste facility.
    The local Council approached the Federal Government for this proposal without consultation with the community and without negotiation with the Local Land Council or the Ngemba Community Working Party or other local councils.
    We believe the health of the community will be at risk. We are being promised 15 jobs, what is 15 jobs compared to the health of the community and the land and water.
    There are other options available to boost the economy of the town such as solar power, tourism and the abattoirs.
    No Nuclear Bundabunda at Brewarrina - bad poison
    (please note; 7 out of 9 Councillors have supported this proposal)
    Update #17 years ago
    Council released their survey for the proposal to go ahead.
    The Greens will table our petition in Federal Parliament as soon as it is finished We need your signature to help us.
    Sign Petition
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