Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Ich habe seit einiger Zeit viele Unterschriften gegen das Pony Reiten auf dem Schützenfest gesammelt und möchte Sie Ihnen nun zur Verfügung stellen.
Ich bitte Sie inständig diese Quälerei endlich zu stoppen . Es ist nicht mehr zeitgemäß und barbarisch die Tiere Stunden um Stunden im Kreis gehen zu lassen.
Bitte haben Sie ein Einsehen. Vielen Dank!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Petra Heistermann
Update #56 years ago
Dear All, at the fun fair festival in Hanover, a pony collapsed . The Child was allegedly injured in the accident . The Media write nothing about the condition of the pony.
According to testimonies, the pony sank to the ground for no apparent reason . Since it was tied together with other ponies , the pony was dragged along by the other horses until the injured animal was cut loose.
This must finally stop this torment. Please chare my petition.
Thank you very much !
Update #47 years ago
Hi everybody,
I have now reached the number of 8700 signatures and would like to reach the 10,000 before handing over the petition.
Please support me and the ponies. Thank you very much!
Update #37 years ago
Dear All,
I have now reached the number of 4500 signatories and I ask you again
to Promote and sign my Petion.
Thank you all so much
Best regards, Petra
Update #28 years ago
Dear Animal Friends,
I have not reached my goal long.
Please support my petition on behalf of animals.
Please forward my petition to your friends to support.
Thank you so much !
with my best regards, Petra
Update #19 years ago
Dear All,
I appreciate your support very, very much !
If you have the ability please be so kind and share my petition!
Thanks to all of you!
Best regards,
Petra H.