Two individuals from the village Jdioara, commune Criciova, Timis County, Romania, were filmes while killing a female dog in cold blood. They saw the animal passing by, struck it with a brick, then drowned it. And to be sure the it was dead, afterwards they hit it repeatedly with a bat.
Those who have the heart to watch the whole scene at published on the Facebook page of Kola Kariola (non-governmental organization for the protection of animals) or MDPA Miscarea Dreptate pentru Animale (The Movement Justice for Animals).
This is just one of the many acts of animal cruelty that have happened lately in a EU member state. Yet, despite the existing law, the authorities and lawenforcing agencies are reluctant when it comes to investigating and punishing those who commit such crimes.
With this, we demand that the perpetrators be found and prosecuted, so as to discourage further acts of violence against helpless animals.