The Indigenous Tree Seed Bank project aim is to address critical issues of sustainability in the conservation of forests and biodiversity protection, and environmental management in Tanzania by ensuring a wider range of indigenous tree species are readily available to different participating community groups in order to promote sustainable environmental management at the local level through involving schools and existing community groups.
In order to ensure greater biodiversity in tree planting initiatives, the project will aim to sensitize the wider community to the value of the rare and endangered species in order to promote wider participation in conservation efforts.
Problem Description
Tanzania has various types of Ecosystems like, mountainous forests, terrestrial forests, hilltop forests, savannah forests and mangrove forests among others which exhibit high diversity of both Flora and Fauna.
Allover Tanzania deforestation is a serious problem resulting in environmental degradation; it continues to strip the land of its soil, wildlife of their habitats and the people of their livelihood due to drought & famine and extinction of species both Flora and Fauna. At present Forest cover in Tanzania is estimated to be only a meagre 1.7%, against a UN minimum recommendation of 10%.
Various reforestation programs in the country have been initiated, but one of the key issues is a lack of viable source of indigenous tree seeds. This always leads to reforestation being done with a very small mix of indigenous tree species, with introduction of numerous exotic species in forests leading to loss of biodiversity and thus habitat and ecosystems for a wider range of fauna and flora due to change of eco-balance.
Project Description
The project will work firstly with community groups to train them in basic principles, and then they will explore the local areas, listing the common indigenous trees species and then identifying the unusual and rare trees for different areas, noting the local names if known, and also collecting specimens for verification of identity, as well as marking their location. This will assist to identify various good trees for seed source, and to set up a well resourced seed centre, to ensure a much wider range of seed species are available for regional reforestation projects.
We will then train 5 local community volunteers in seed collection & treatment skills, safety and equip them with necessary tools so that they can start to harvest indigenous tree seeds. These seeds will be brought to the indigenous tree seed centre which will be equipped with drying and post harvest treatment facilities and basic storage equipment. We will also set up a model indigenous tree nursery.
Seeds will be dried, processed, labeled with all species details and sources noted and stored, then the centre will begin to supply to local community nurseries and re-forestation projects to be established.
An integral activity of the project in as far as the environmental front is concerned is to give a fresh meaning on the need to plant trees and to involve peoples of all walks of life in our endeavor to inculcate a culture of tree planting amongst our people that we work with.
Project Objectives
To influence a better environment by promoting participatory sustainable forests restoration, Afforestation and eco-wood based bio-energy generation as part of local approach to global climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Project Goal
a. To empower individual farmers, community groups and schools through provision of indigenous tree seeds for reforestation programs – to plant 200,000 indigenous trees each year.
b. To train 5 volunteer seed collectors
c. To establish a seed processing centre
d. To empower individual farmers, community groups and schools through training – 200 people to be trained.
Project Justification
This project is important due to the forest cover in Tanzania having reduced drastically as a consequence of over exploitation for timber, charcoal, domestic and industrial related uses. This has brought many a predicament to existence of sustainable forests and its consequent conservation. Lack of awareness and education on conservation has further aggravated the situation. The depletion of the Tanzanian forests , has resulted to unfavourable climatic changes with far reaching effects, including;
a. Unreliable and inadequate rainfall for agriculture.
b. Extinction of species
c. Poverty due to loss of livelihoods
d. Food insecurity in the country – arable lands turning into semi deserts..
e. Water sources drying up, including rivers.
f. Land resource degradation due to erosion.
The situation is likely to worsen in the absence of deliberate efforts to improve the forest cover in the country. Youth Training Organization(YTO) wishes to respond to these challenges and others posed to the environment and societies by;
a. Adopting and supporting schools and community groups to plant trees by ensuring sustainable supply of indigenous tree seeds.
b. Promotion of environmental education and sustainability.
c. Promotion of environmental friendly technologies, e.g., in agriculture and energy.
d. Promotion of the adoption of climate change reduction technologies in all sectors, e.g., promoting the ‘Green Energy’ concept.
Target areas
The Indigenous Tree Seed Bank Initiative targets the forest areas that have drastically been depleted so as to refurbish them and accrue a better forested future. These areas would include all major forest areas in the country. These areas would also include schools, community and residential areas, organization grounds and community lands.
Land Ownership Structure
In Tanzania land is mainly classified into three categories
a) Private land – this is land mainly owned by individuals or other legal entities like corporations, private institutions among others
b) Public land – this is land owned by different departments within the government – they are reserved or used for public use or benefits – these includes land allocated to different government ministries, public institutions of learning, natural forests among others
c) Community land – this is the type of land mainly held in trusteeship of a certain communities – this land is usually not demarcated and is used by the whole community.
Where the trees will be planted
The seeds sourced through the project will be used for Private, Public and Community land inform of reforestation, Agroforestry and other tree planting initiatives mainly involving community groups, schools and other organizations interested in tree planting in order to increase forest and tree cover both on farmland and on communal or government forest land (national reserve and trust lands).
Majority of the farmers targeted to benefit from seeds produced by this project are small holder private land owners – who have full land ownership rights (They have land title deeds) they will have full control of the trees planted once they mature. Due to this these farmers are free to use their lands in whatever means provided that what they are doing is legal.
Through this structure, landless and marginalised families will gain access to community lands like forests schools and farmland to plant trees. This strategy will be adopted in order to ensure that at least 10% of their land is planted trees in order to achieve 10% forest cover as recommended by UNEP. Currently forest cover in Tanzania is only about 1.7%
In the initial stage these farmers will work collectively in groups in order to manage seedlings in nurseries sharing labour and other required resources at this critical stage of nurturing tree seedlings. They will share the seedlings for transplanting. Each participating farmer will be responsible for any labour associated with seedlings transportation, transplanting and after care.
Disputes Resolution
As indicated above the project will be open to anyone who is interested – any one willing to participate will be considered. We only want to work with those who are self motivated and who knows the value of trees in environmental conservation, however we will also take necessary measure to inform the ignorant ones in order to involve everyone and have the required impact.
Given the structure of the project we anticipate less or no conflict which would require any mediation, but if this arises we will liaise with provincial administration department of the government – this is through use of local administration i.e. chiefs and assistant chiefs who are everywhere in the country. This is the commonly used mediation process countrywide and any resolutions are recorded and legally binding.
Impacts and benefits of the project
The Indigenous Tree Seed Bank project is to;
a. Address issues of sustainability in forest management and conservation by providing required seeds for planting trees.
b. Curb climate change.
c. Provide resistance to soil erosion and thus protect rich land areas.
d. Promote water conservation.
e. Agro-forestry would curb out food insecurity of which would also form the bases for income generation activities.
f. Promote environmental aesthetics and landscaping.
g. Working with schools and communities, to form a base for curriculum development and learning for students.
h. Schools will act as demonstration centers for community groups in livelihoods and sustainability issues, hence forming bases for training and capacity building.
Project plan
In order to reduce cases of conflict of interest each local community group, school or individual’s project will be autonomous in implementing own project to ensure ownership of the project in long term. Plans will be made to strengthen the capacities of these groups, clubs and individuals through intensive training in management and possible income generating activities. The groups will be able to raise funds through small membership fee and other income generating activities.
The purpose of this effort is also to improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of running tree nurseries, transporting & transplanting of mature seedlings.
Necessary resources like labour, manure, basic tools and equipments will be provided by specific participating community group, school club or individual.
The overall objective is to make many micro nursery projects instead of one or a few nurseries, reducing overall operating costs. To achieve this, seeds will be provided to interested community groups, school clubs and individuals who require them without discrimination, thereby easing the process of monitoring the progress of each group club or individual’s project.
The community and development partners will be encouraged to participate in Project activities this will be through interactive and consultative meetings and training workshops. The Project will identify community members with exceptional skills and train them to become Volunteer Project facilitators.
Sustaining the project
For long term sustainability the project will promote economic value of these species so that landowners can earn when seed are collected from trees on their lands.
This will also involve promoting income generating activities among different participating farmers, schools and community groups.
Through provision of indigenous tree seeds this project will be very important to the rural people; through sustainable use as a source of wood-products mainly wood-fuel; herbal medicines, fodder; building materials, help in soil conservation and improve catchment areas for water; generate an income and/or employment; and also help to improve air quality through reduction of greenhouse gases like Carbon dioxide which have been known to cause global warming.
In the end this project will help create employment to the locals, especially the youth who are currently jobless by providing good environment for income generating activities like sale of fodder, wood-fuel, herbs grown on farmlands and commercial bee keeping which is becoming very popular in rural Tanzania.
The project area has a wide variety of untapped natural resources like honey production and ecotourism which will be promoted as sustainable natural resource utilization. Similarly, local people have talents which have not been exploited to full capacity. The Project will impart new knowledge and skills to enable them to produce high value products for sale.
Evaluation Plan
Groups, schools, clubs and individuals receiving seeds through the project will be asked to send photos and reports after every month and annual reports. These reports will provide information on the number of people receiving the seeds and the success of their projects. We will also arrange for monthly monitoring visits to each project.
These results will be summarized into a report that will be compiled at the end of the project.
The reports made will be readily available for use by all interested parties for replication or improvement without any discrimination.
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