The Australian Government has posed a major threat to the natural integrity of World Heritage protected Blue Mountains in approving plans to go ahead with building a major International Airport in Sydney's West, Badgerys Creek.
The supporting claims and documents proposed by government bodies for the necessity of the airport fail to acknowledge the hazardous environmental impacts of such plans upon the 11,400 km² natural wilderness, which is home to many already endangered species of flora and fauna.
The government proposals to boost economy in creating jobs not only fails to recognise the $5.3 billion initial drain on economy for its construction but further compromises the stable tourist economy that the UNESCO National Park brings to the Australian economy.
The limitations of the governments environment impact statement ignores the issues of natural destruction caused by increased traffic congestion, noise and air pollution and is a result of a "very accelerated program" caused by "significant federal political pressure to progress the project rapidly".
The environmental impact statement was prepared in about eight months compared to a similar assessment for the airport in 1999 that took more than two years to prepare. The statement did not clearly identify the additional economic activity that would be generated, such as shopping centres, accommodation and rail way construction in addition to lacking specific detail around flight paths, aircraft noise, residual ecological risks and the long term health impacts upon local residents of the airport.
The environmental impact statement found that the highest risk for cumulative impact was the concurrent upgrade and relocation of The Northern Road and the construction of the M12 motorway between the M7 and The Northern Road and failed to consider at all the natural surroundings
"At Mascot, 55 per cent of flights are over the ocean. Fifty five per cent of flights will be over the Blue Mountains. All of that aviation gas pollution and noise pollution over World Heritage areas,"
But when people realise how many jobs, what kind of jobs, and the trade-off in enjoyment, activity and tourism industries, property values and traffic congestion, it will be hard to see any realistic boost to the Australian economy.
Most recently, the Australian Government has just sacked the Blue Mountains labour council who revealed the extensive environmental risks that the airport posed. The Blue Mountains Mayor has concluded amidst the confusion as to why this really happened that "the decison can only be political."