She Beat, Tied Up, and Killed This Family's Pet. She Needs Urgent Mental Health Counseling, Now.

A family in Singapore had adopted sweet little Boyboy the poodle nine years ago, and they loved him. He was soft and fuzzy and the perfect size to cuddle with.

When they hired a new maid to take care of their dog and home, the father wanted to make sure their pup was okay while the family was away, so he installed CCTV security cameras. And the footage those cameras captured was harrowing. Their new maid subjected their dog to severe abuse and violence - leading to their beloved companion animal dying from the cruelty.

Sign the petition to demand that authorities ensure this woman receives the necessary mental health counseling to address the underlying issues that led to such horrifying actions.

The details of this case are shocking. The maid allegedly grabbed Boyboy by the neck, pinned him to the ground, and struck him on the head multiple times with her hand and a large stick. Then she strung up the small soft dog by his harness, attaching him to the balcony's railing and leaving him tied up, dangling in the air.

Despite being rushed to the veterinary clinic, Boyboy succumbed to his injuries and died on the same day.

These acts of cruelty are not only inhumane but indicative of a deeper psychological issue. Mental health counseling is essential for understanding and addressing the root causes of such behavior to prevent such tragedies in the future.

Join us in demanding that Singaporean authorities mandate mental health counseling for this woman! Sign the petition now and be a voice for animals, who cannot speak for themselves.

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