Over 100 Dogs Were Found in Appalling Conditions. Florida Must Ban Puppy Mills!

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: Florida State Legislature

Recently, over 100 dogs were rescued from a horrific breeding operation in Union County, Florida, where animals were mistreated and neglected. The state must confront the harsh realities of puppy mills within its borders. This incident underlines the urgent need for legislation to ban all puppy mills in the state to ensure the safety and welfare of these defenseless animals.

Sign this petition to urge the Florida State Legislature to enact a comprehensive ban on puppy mills!

Puppy mills are breeding facilities that prioritize profit over the well-being of the dogs. The animals often live in appalling conditions, suffer from numerous health problems, and receive little to no veterinary care. In March, authorities intervened in a large-scale breeding operation in Union County, rescuing 120 dogs living in squalor and suffering from various untreated medical issues.

By prohibiting puppy mills, we can shut down this cruel industry and shift towards a more ethical and humane approach to breeding and adopting pets. Let's ensure no dog in Florida has to endure the horrors witnessed in Union County ever again.

Sign the petition to demand that Florida's lawmakers ban puppy mills, giving these animals a chance at a healthy, happy life in loving homes. Your voice can help end their suffering!

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