Revelstoke: Save the Bears with Bear-Proof Garbage Cans

Last week, an astonishing nine bears were killed in and around Revelstoke, BC. The bears were killed because they came too close to humans in the area.

However, these deaths were completely avoidable. The bears are attracted to the local garbage residents have stored outside their houses. If the residents of Revelstoke went through the simple precaution of using bear-proof waste bins, it could have deterred the bears from entering a residential area and saved their lives. 

The bear population in BC is important and must be protected. The local government must make moves to conserve these majestic animals by implementing a local by-law enforcing bear-proof waste bins.

Sign today to help prevent bear killings. By signing today you are helping protect bears in BC.

To Mayor Mark McKee, 

As someone who values wildlife greatly I am deeply concerned by the recent string of bear killings in your town. I call upon you to help prevent these deaths by passing a by-law requiring all residents and businesses to use bear-proof waste bins.

By implementing such a by-law bears would be less attracted to residential areas and it could prevent the needless death of countless bears in the area.

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