Congressional Oversight Needed to STOP FDA's "Trilateral Cooperation Charter"

Congressional Oversight Needed on FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter (With Canada & Mexico Intended to Force Us Into a North American Union)

The FDA is engaged in conferencing with Canada & Mexico for the purpose of creating one "harmonized" set of food & drug regulations for all 3 nations with zero INPUT from the PEOPLE of Canada, the USA, or Mexico. (See

On what legal AUTHORITY does the FDA presume to take this action?

What they're doing clearly violates the Administrative Procedures Act, the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as well as other laws and I demand Congressional Oversight immediately to rein them in!!

This is clearly part of a planned effort to destroy America and force us into a North American Union with Canada & Mexico patterned after the EU Dictatorship. Its being scripted by the Council on Foreign Relations:

Which is what prompted the Neocons to create the (so called) "Security & Prosperity Partnership of North America

In their "SCOPE" section�FDA says their main purpose is to focus on what they call "HEALTH FRAUD"

We all know how the FDA INTERPRETS "health fraud". Take their current vendetta against cherry growers�

FDA is ordering Cherry growers not to repeat the story that eating foods high in plant nutrients may protect against some types of cancer and strokes (despite recommendations of the Surgeon General and the National Research Council).�

�The alleged criminal acts had occurred on Ocean Spray's website. Normally, the FDA has no authority over websites, but the company had put its website address on its products, and the agency does have authority over labels.

Incredibly, now the FDA is attempting to extend this tyranny to Canada & Mexico, while simultaneously they'll attempt to impose the WORST ASPECTS of those countries regulations on AMERICANS.

For example: Canada regulates dietary supplements as "drugs", but in the USA, under the Dietary Supplement Health & Education Act of 1994, these products are FOODS, and Americans enjoy far greater ACCESS to these products and to health information about them than Canadians do.

The last thing Americans need is the FDA unilaterally making decisions in the way that they are via the "Trilateral Cooperation Charter" without any input from Congress or the American people. Ostensibly, they would have us believe that this is all about providing us with "increased security".


The LAW is NOT "in the FDA's Mouth". I demand that Congress protect me from the FDA�by holding oversight hearings about this.

In 1994 the American people flooded congress with more letters, phone calls and personal visits than�you ever received in the HISTORY of congress when the Dietary Supplement Health & Education Act was passed into law. Now the FDA is attempting to DESTROY OUR COUNTRY to get around the will of the American people.�

I am communicating with both of my Senators & my congressman as well about this. I am also alerting my local paper and friends and family nationwide. Please let me know what you intend to do about this fiasco?

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