The Housing Authority of the City of Aurora (AHA) is planning to annihilate a prairie dog colony spanning 2.4 acres when they start building Peoria Crossing at 30th and Peoria Streets.
I am writing this petition to request that the AHA obtain a permit to relocate the prairie dogs to public land within Adams County, and spare these animals a senseless death. Prairie Protection Colorado has reached out to Dayna Ashley-Oehm, the project's liaison at the AHA, to help coordinate relocation of the prairie dogs to no avail.
Prairie dogs are a native Colorado species, and are an essential component of the health and biodiversity of the prairie. They are considered a keynote species, and at least 170 different animals are dependent on prairie dogs for their continued health and survival. Today, roughly 1% of the original prairie dog population exists, due to human encroachment and development.
I believe wholeheartedly that as humans, it is our duty to be stewards of the environment and protect the native wildlife that live among us. The prairie dogs at 30th and Peoria are about to lose their home, but there is no reason that they have to die. Please sign this petition to ask the AHA to do the right thing and obtain a permit to relocate the prairie dogs to public lands within Adams County. If you can, please go a step further and call or email Daya Ashley-Oehm (720-251-2068 or and ask her to do the same.