Stop the destruction of wildlife habitat in Sherfield on Loddon

  • by: Sarah Packman
  • recipient: Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council

Over the past 4 years the Parish Council of Sherfield on Loddon, have embarked on campaign of tree felling activities which have contradicted professional advice from the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust and a report by an environmental consultancy GS Ecology, and has broken Environmental Law on at least two occassions.

Our community members have been told by both the Parish Council and the Clerk that expert advice is being followed ...this is NOT true! Please refer to the documents which have finally been shared on the Parish website.

Public opinion is being ignored whilst the Parish Council follow their own personal agendas.

Members of our community have been told that the Parish Council are acting with the authority of Basingstoke & Deane Tree Officer... this is a smoke screen.  The Tree Officer is yet to furnish any proof of this, or 'expert' opinion that justifies the destruction.

Please join the fight to put an end to the destruction.

Update #15 years ago
The destruction has continued with more vigour and over 60% of the trees have now been felled and burned. The Parish Council are impassive to tour objections and so it is with regret that we are taking legal action.

Please find information about how you can support the fight here - practical support is welcomed

Thank you for your support.
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