UPDATE: Justice For 7 Puppies Deaths - Rescuers Animal Abusers R Paid Employees - Legal Fees Covered By Funds Donated 4 Animals ?

  • by: Janet Tipper
  • recipient: Board of Directors - Pets In Need - Non-Profit Org, Santa Clara County District Attorneys Office, PIN Board President, Assoc. Of Shelter Veterinarians, PIN Interim Executive Director

Account from Authorities:https://www.thepetitionsite.com/485/479/520/justice-for-the-deaths-of-7-puppies-pets-in-need-paid-employees-1-even-got-a-recent-promotion/ Please copy and paste to bring up petition... Thank You For Speaking Up and Being A The Voice of The Voiceless

Tuesday October 26th, 2021 :: 04:29 p.m. PDT
Community News Release: Animal Shelter Employees Cited for In-Custody Puppy Deaths

Police cited three employees of the Pets In Need Palo Alto Animal Shelter for their role in the deaths of 7 puppies who perished during transport from the Central Valley this summer.

On the morning of Tuesday, August 3, 2021, officers began an investigation into the deaths of the 7 puppies that had occurred the previous day. The investigation revealed that on Monday, August 2, the three employees had taken a Pets in Need van to the Central Valley to retrieve extra animals that other shelters could either not accommodate or had been unsuccessful in adopting out. These transport trips are a routine activity for Pets In Need.

The employees were gone for several hours on this transport trip and had picked up 27 dogs in total including the 7 puppies. The puppies were from the same litter, were about three to four months old, and weighed about nine pounds each. The van lacked air conditioning in the rear cargo area, and the employees did not provide water to the animals during transport. The temperature in the Central Valley that afternoon was 100+ degrees. Upon arrival at the Palo Alto Animal Shelter, Pets In Need staff determined that the puppies were unresponsive. The employees immediately summoned assistance from veterinary staff, who attempted to resuscitate the puppies without success. All the other dogs in the van showed signs of distress.

Detectives presented the case to the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office, who chose to file two misdemeanor charges (animal cruelty and neglect) against each of the three suspects. A Santa Clara County Superior Court judge signed arrest warrants on October 25, and on the afternoon of October 26, detectives cited and released the suspects in accordance to standard protocol for non-violent misdemeanor warrants.

The suspects are 40-year-old Patricia Santana Valencia of East Palo Alto, 36-year-old Margaret C. Evans of Fremont, and 45-year-old Ingrid Anne Hartmann of San Carlos. As they were cited, no booking photos are available.

Pets In Need has operated the Palo Alto Animal Shelter since 2019 under a contract with the City of Palo Alto. The three suspects in this case work for Pets In Need, not the City of Palo Alto.

These 3 women responsible for the death of 7 puppies while transporting them and numerous other animals (who barely survived.. These animals were transported from the Sacramento Valley area in extremely hot weather greater than 100 degrees. All 3 women were paid employees of Pets In Need - 2 are presently employed by Pets In Need and 1 resigned

Promotion Given: Out of the 2 remaining employees - 1 has been promoted!!!

Pets In Need Has Released This Info:

We stand behind our employees and are funding all of their legal fees...

Where does the funding come from?
Donations from you and me?
This is outrageous how can they support paying legal fees for these "animal abusers" ???


The van's air conditioner functioned in the front of the van only and did "not" send any cool air to the cargo area where the animals were placed.
The 7 puppies were placed in a crate that was so small they were literally on top of one another. The top of the crate was then covered with a towel - deprived of any air circulation..During the 3 to 4 hour trip...none of the animals were allowed to get out of their cages...Never once were any given even a taste of water...these 7 dead puppies were covered in vomit, urine and feces. The other animals that did survive suffered from heat exhaustion and had to have immediate care in order to save them.

Only due to a chance observation by someone not employed by Pets In Need did this story come to light - He reported what he saw to the authorities...I am left to wonder how many times had this neglect happened that were not reported ?

All 3 paid employees of Pets In Need should be charged and convicted of a felony for the 7 deaths and held accountable for the condition of the remaining animals. If found guilty, prosecuted harshly...and certainly be restricted from ever working in an animal care facility of any kind...

Please stand with me in behalf of these innocent puppies to keep these abusers from ever repeating such cruelty.

Update:  https://www.mercurynews.com/2021/12/17/palo-alto-shelter-workers-say-avoidable-mistakes-caused-puppy-deaths-putting-them-in-that-crate-was-the-kiss-of-death/

Update #13 years ago
Please sign as Court Date is Coming Up Quickly !!! Thank You !!!
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