A Private company seeks to pipe water from Val Verde to sell in the greater San Antonio area.
Their business plan is to pump and pipe 4 times the amount of water Del Rio uses annually to the San Antonio area where it will be dumped into a sinkhole in order to add to that areas water supply. This equates to 13 billion gallons sold outside the county compared to the roughly 3 billion gallons used in Val Verde county.
This plan also proposes to create an increase of flow from Comal Springs in New Braunfels at the acceptable cost of decreased spring flow at San Felipe Springs in Del Rio and general decrease of water in Val Verde county. If you view this plan as environmentally irresponsible and a threat to this regions people and future, please sign the petition below!
In order for this plan of water exploitation to proceed The Edwards Aquifer Authority and Texas Department of Transportation must provide certain approvals. By signing this petition you can voice objection to public facilitation that enables private profit through sell of this vulnerable nature resource.