The problem
Geese and ducks are exploited for there soft layer of feathers known as down, this is used to make the lining and fillings of clothes and comforters such as pillows and duvets
Live plucking causes birds considerable pain and distress. Once their feathers are ripped out, many of the birds, paralyzed with fear, are left with gaping wounds—some even die as a result of the procedure. Workers often sew the birds’ skin back together without using any anesthetics.(PETA)
That’s not all—buying down can also support the cruelty of the foie gras and meat industries because many farmers who raise birds for food make an extra profit by selling their feathers as well. At the slaughterhouse, many of these birds are improperly stunned, which means that they are still conscious when their throats are cut and they are dumped into the scalding-hot water of the defeathering tank.(PETA)
Also to make things worse...The Tories have voted that animals can't feel pain as part of the EU bill, marking the beginning of our anti-science Brexit, if we don’t act now suffering will continue for many years to come!
How you can help?
Choose the alternatives;
-Synthetic Polyester
Although it’s not known that the down products you buy come from live picked birds , but by not buying any of these products can end all abuse and suffering these birds face now and forever for all!
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