A New York County Just Banned Face Masks, Despite Rising COVID Rates

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: New York state lawmakers
COVID rates are currently on the rise. Every day, more people are getting sick, and since the variant going around is a new one, they're hitting our bodies especially hard.

Despite this, lawmakers just outside of New York City, in Long Island and the surrounding Nassau County, have just banned face masks. And the punishment for violating this ban is up to 1 year in jail.

Sign the petition to demand that New York state lawmakers pass a statewide law protecting face coverings now and in the future!

In 2020, during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, we all remember that New York City and its larger metropolitan area were hit especially hard. The death rates were staggering, due to the high population density of the region. That means it is uniquely susceptible to being hit hard again.

Nassau County officials banned face masks and other face coverings in an attempt to stifle public protests and intimidate people away from utilizing their First Amendment rights to disagree with government funding of genocides, wars, and human rights atrocities. It's already sickening to think that lawmakers would try to frighten people in that way. It's even worse that now, it's also impacting public health.

This is a perilous step that puts lives in imminent danger. Not only does it harm the general public, but it also is particularly dangerous for individuals who are immunocompromised or live with chronic health conditions. This includes, for example, people who have cancer or are receiving chemotherapy treatments.

Face masks are not just a precaution - they are a lifeline. They shield individuals from deadly respiratory illnesses and prevent the spread of viruses in densely populated areas like Nassau County and its neighboring New York City. As COVID-19 rates climb, the importance of masks cannot be overstated. By outlawing them, Nassau County endangers the health of the most vulnerable among us, including those who rely on masks to navigate their daily lives safely.

We cannot stand idly by while this reckless policy jeopardizes lives. Let's send a powerful message that we will not tolerate policies that endanger our health. Sign the petition to demand that state lawmakers immediately take action to ensure that face masks remain a protected tool in our fight against infectious diseases. Our health, safety, and lives depend on it.
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