I am very nearly vegan, an animal lover and advocate. I subscribe to many animal-related newsletters by email and, through these emails, my activity on the web and reading books, I have come across a lot of information concerning appalling cruelty that animals are subjected to in farms and slaughterhouses. Warning: Potentially upsetting information about animal cruelty ahead.
This includes being beaten, hit, kicked, having their beaks cut off with red-hot blades/lasers, being castrated without anaesthetic, having their tails, teeth and eats cut, being taken away from their mothers as young calves and piglets, being put through electrified water baths, being scalded alive, being gassed and being kept in inhumane conditions.
Many of us have animals as companions and would never want anything like that to happen to their animal companions, but they will still eat and enjoy ham sandwiches, burgers, roast chicken, turkey, hot dogs, chicken nuggets, pepperoni, chicken tikka masala and other meat foods without giving any thought to the poor animals that were killed unnecessarily and, perhaps, subjected to these types of cruelty just for profit, just to suit the tastes of consumers.
We, the Undersigned, demand that the fore-mentioned practices be banned and that conditions are improved for all farmed animals. We also demand that only genuinely free-range/high welfare meat be allowed. I would love it if everyone in the world who could go vegan were to go vegan (or, at least, generally vegan), but I think that any positive change for farmed animals is a step in the right direction and that we can start by banning all of the practices that I listed. Thank you.