Stop déforestation in Indonesia ! AINSI que le braconnage de bébés macaques victimes de maltraitance

  • by: Anne Zuliani
  • recipient: Ministère compétant Indonésien

Intensive deforestation seriously hams the entire Planet.

Humans and animals who contribute to the Balance of the ecosystem !!!Deforestation contributes to global warming and dried peatlands contribute throwg spontanéous firespollution !

It is time for the Indonésian gouvernment to take responsibility for the announced disarter !

This forests are the lungs of Planet .

In Asia ,more than half of them have been ransacked for profit for a few !

In Indonesia 50 million hectares have been ransacked, 42 million hectares of which remain fallow , whithrout any useful exploitation , neither for man nor for animals !!

To be able to say to the government concerned , " WHAT IS WON TODAY WILL BE LOST TOMORROW "                                                                     .

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