Removing all animals at the Phoenix Park 'n Swap located at 3801 Washington St, Phoenix, AZ 85034 will make the park happy for humans who cannot stand to see animals mistreated and animals by not being apart of abuse. this action is important because animals are not ours to use, and once when we realize that we our selfs, our animals. we will have empathy. Please everyone, imagine if you were one of the ponies at this location...working open til close, no breaks and so on. its not right (the picture isnt mine, credits to the owner )
Hello, if I get 1000 signs on that petition. Can you remove your pony rides, the petting zoo, and any other animal related selling? I know that you can make a lot of money without involving animals. I hope that you do realize that the pony attraction is cruel because the poor ponies are working all day long, carrying people. And the petting zoo is cruel because there is rarley shade and they are in tiny pens. The Phoenix Park 'n Swap could be a enjoyable place for humans and animals, if you got rid of animals at your park. Please consider what I, and many other people are asking you. Thank you.
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