One man's trash is another man's treasure. What happened in Puntzi Lake Landfill in Britsh Columbia, Canada in June brings a whole new meaning to that phrase. One usually expects to find discarded items, refuse and trash at the dump, but when an unnamed person came upon a box sealed tight and heard rustling, they knew whatever was inside wasn't garbage.
When they opened the box they found a female dog, now named Casey, and her nine puppies which were around two weeks old. Shockingly, their owner had decided that a Casey and her puppies were too much trouble. But instead of taking them to the local shelter,
they left them at the dump to die. This is not the first horrific story of puppy abandonment this year. While most times, the culprit gets away with their crimes,
one woman in Coachella, California was caught on camera dumping a plastic bag full of young pups into a local dumpster. They were only saved by a man who happened to hear the pooch's cries.
The abandoner, Deborah Sue Culwell was charged with seven felony counts of injuring the 3-day-old puppies and seven misdemeanor counts of animal abandonment. Like in California, it is illegal to abandon an animal in British Columbia.
So, whoever dumped Casey and her litter should face equally severe punishment. Please sign the petition and demand that B.C. authorities investigate Casey's abandonment, find the culprit and punish them.
Photo Credit: British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals