Together, you and I can create a world with more love and less hate

After I receive 50,000 signatures, I will make an appeal, in person, at the United Nations to introduce Self-Love Programs into elementary schools and prisons world-wide. Under the right conditions, I will make my highly effective Self-Love Mastery Program ( available, free of charge, to schools and prisons around the world. - Frederick Zappone

Update #46 years ago
Can't figure out if people are APATHETIC or just overwhelmed with information. You would think getting 50,000 signature on a petition wouldn't be that hard to do but it is hard when the petition is 'for something' rather than 'against' something. It appears people have to be OUTRAGED before they sign a petition. This is my end game, I am 76 years old and this will be my lasting contribution to making our world a better place for all of us with no left out.
Update #36 years ago
There is no short term solution to the violence in our world especially in our schools. There is only a long term solution. The solution is to start teaching self-love to our children, in schools, at a very early age so that they grow up loving themselves rather than hating themselves so much so that that go about killing themselves and others. To make this long term solution a reality, I need your help, I need you to share my petition with others to reach 50,000 signatures.
Update #26 years ago
Everyone wants a better world but so few people take even the simplest action to make it a better world. You are an exception because are part of a small select group of 14 people who took the time to sign my petition to get self-love programs into prisons and elementary schools. Research shows people who love themselves sufficiently never harm another. Under the right conditions I will give my Self-Love Mastery program ( away for free to schools and prisons.
Update #16 years ago
Once I've received 50,000 signatures I am sending this petition to the UNITED NATIONS. Government action and moral legislation by religions will not bring an end to violence, only enough people loving themselves will.. My research convinces me that getting self-love programs into schools, businesses and prisons will make all the difference. Please share this petition with your friends and ask them to share it with their friends. Thank you.
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