Stop animal abuse at the Shenandoah County Fair: Ban the Greased Pig Scramble!
The Shenandoah County Fair in Woodstock, VA is bragging about the upcoming Pig Scramble event - biggest ever! That event will be on August 28th. A hundred or more terrorized piglets will be set loose, in a enclosed ring, as screaming kids rush forward to "catch a pig". They fall on them, leap on them, and pull at their fragile legs while the crowd, hoots and yell their approval. This archaic practice from the past often leaves animals with broken bones and internal injuries. It needs to be banned NOW.
Studies indicate that these intelligent creatures have the cognitive abilities equal to a three year old child, and they obviously suffer from the pain inflicted upon them. Even though most of these poor animals will probably end up slaughtered eventually; I see no excuse for this barbaric treatment. This sends out the wrong message to all children encouraging them to believe animals can be treated anyway with no regard for the horrific pain inflicted. This inhumane nonsense must be stopped! Abuse is not acceptable and it certainly should not be allowed as entertainment for the masses.
It's time for the Shenandoah County Fair to move into the 21st Century and stop abusing farm animals under the guise of entertainment. There are plenty of things to do at a county fair - animal torture should not be one of them. Many have already banned these events. It's a worldwide problem, not just a local issue, and we all must speak for those who cannot. Please sign this petition if you agree.
I appreciate your participation, but be respectful. THANKS to all who care.
Update #25 years ago
Thanks to all who cared enough to sign. The fair has closed for another season. They will be back next August AND SO WILL I. The fair manager seem to think names outside of VA don't count. Really? Animal welfare is universal as is the exploitation and cruelty of so many creatures. It's hard to stamp out ignorance, but we must keep trying. See you next year!
Update #15 years ago
Shenandoah County Fair Association - 300 Fairground Rd., Woodstock, VA (USA)
The Greased Pig "contest" is scheduled for August 28th. They continue to grow larger every year!
Thanks, Lee S.
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