Recently Domino's pizza decided to add vegan options to their menu in Australia. It would be wonderful to see kuwait take those same positive steps. We have a rapidly growing vegan community and many citizens are moving towards a totally dairy and meat free diet. It is a personal choice and it is not being implied that Domino's should get rid of their cheese and meat options for those who choose to eat such things. However, for vegans, it is often hard to find cheese alternatives and meat free options in chain restaurants. When we do find those options, we fully support those businesses who offer them! I for one found lack of options while ordering take out or going to restaurants to be the hardest part of making the change to a vegan diet. Domino's is currently losing an entire market of people by not offering cheese alternatives.
If you are...
A vegan who would give Domino's business if they adopted vegan menu options
Any person who thinks that diversity in the menu and being inclusive to different people's preferences is a good step for Domino's
... then please sign and share this petition!!
Let Domino's know that you fully support them bringing those options to kuwait and that you would greatly appreciate the effort they put into making it happen. Feel free to leave comments showing your support