Justice For Grandma


    Harlee’s Angels Rescue Inc. and Southern Shih Tzu Rescue Division of Harlee’s Angels was forced by Bartow County Sheriff Department to return Grandma to the individuals claiming to be her owners. The owners are facing no charges of neglect or abuse.

    Timeline of events:

    April 29, 2019
    Grandma was found by a lady in the middle of the road, proceeded to her house where finder bathed her since her stench was so terrible. Finder gave her two baths that night, and still after the second bath, the water ran brown. Finder wanted to kill the fleas that covered her body, so she could stop scratching so badly. Finder cut out a few mats from her hair. Finder could tell that the worst matted area was her left eye. Finder was too nervous to cut that mats off herself because finder was not sure how she would react. Finder text all her neighbors, whose phone numbers she had, asking if any of them had ever seen the dog, to which they all replied no.

    April 30, 2019
    Finder brought the dog to the Pet Vet Clinic and had her scanned for a chip. No chip was found. Finder called Bartow County Animal control later in the day where finder spoke with a man whose name started with an A (possibly Andrew or Anthony but finder doesn’t remember). Finder was advised that finder could “post the dog on the Bartow County Lost and Found Pets page because that’s where [they] tell people to look.

    Finder posted 20+ “Found Dog” flyers. Finder posted one on every entrance/exit to their neighborhood, and the Etowah Ridge neighborhood. Finder posted them at every entrance of every street that finder saw as well as: The “Stop N Go/Chevron on Euharlee Road, both sides of Adams Chapel Road, both sides of Harrison Road, Hickory Hollow SW, Timber Trail SW, The Ameri-Mart gas station at the intersection of Mission Rd. and Burt Hickory, The Dollar General off of Grove Rd, the intersection of Old Mill and West Avenue, the intersection of West Avenue and Euharlee Road, etc.)

    Finder brought the dog to a groomer. Groomer got the matted hair off the dog’s back end, where 4 “poop balls” were cut off. They also were able to cut some of the hair off her matted left eye. As they were cutting matted hair off her eye, brown infection was oozing onto the scissors. Groomer eventually stopped because they weren’t sure if she even had an eye underneath. She also appeared to have decayed, cracked teeth. That night, finder realized that she needed more than just food, water, and somewhere to sleep. She needed serious medical attention. Even though the fleas were subsided (after the third bath), she could still barely stand.

    May 1, 2019
    Finder reached out to Tammy Queen (Division Director) with Southern Shih Tzu Rescue Division of Harlee’s Angels. SSTRDHA met finder at the Starbucks on Main Street to take the dog to the vet for urgent care.

    SSTRDHA took dog, now called “Grandma” immediately to the vet for care. Director Tammy Queen was told by the vet, Grandma would most like to die, her body was shutting down, malnourished. Several injections given, eye medication prescribed, Grandma sent home with Tammy Queen for around the clock care of tube feeding and hydration every 2 hours.

    Finder left my “Found” flyers up in hopes that someone would call and would be told she was with the rescue.

    May 2, 2019
    Finder received a Facebook message from Malena Evans, adoption coordinator at the Etowah Valley Humane Society claiming that “The owner of the little dog you gave away is here and we need to get her back” to which finder replied “Hi she will need to contact Southern Shih tzu rescue group. That is where she is at. Tammy Crisp Queen on Facebook”. Malena replied that it was illegal for finder to give someone’s pet away and that the owner planned to take legal action.

    SSTRDHA received a call from an officer, did not state his name, asking if Grandma was at her house, asked a couple of questions on the dog, stated owners said she had been missed for a long time and description, was going to come over. Officer never showed.

    Owners contacted SSTRDHA asking if we had their schnauzer. Gave description, stated dog was missing starting April 29, 2019. Director asked for proof of ownership to include vet records and picture, owners did not email any proof, denied it was their dog.

    Southern Division of Harlee’s Angels Director Tami Fowler contacted owners at 6:45 pm to see if she could help assist in getting proof of ownership. Owners stated their dog was a 2.5 lb. mini schnauzer, 13 years old, that lived in their basement. Went missing April 29, 2019. When asked about vetting, they didn’t know their vets name, only it was by the gas station and she had been there for something in November. A shot, or exam, or something. Then went to the groomers. During the conversation, SDHA texted the owners a picture of Grandma, at which time the owners, husband and wife, repeated over and over, “this isn’t our dog, omg this isn’t our dog”. Wife asked husband was that the picture of the dog the Etowah Valley Human Society adoption coordinator Malena Evans showed him, in which husband stated that was NOT the picture of the dog she showed him on her phone. Owners denied Grandma was their dog a second time.

    May 3, 2019
    Stray hold on Grandma was up, Grandma was legally the rescues.

    May 8, 2019
    SSTRDHA Director Tammy Queen took Grandma back to the vet for her follow up visit to confirm weight gain and bloodwork for infection.

    May 9, 2019
    Investigator See with Bartow County Sheriff Office arrived at SSTRHAD Director Tammy Queen house to retrieve a stolen dog, Grandma. Inv. See informed Tammy Queen the owners filed a stolen dog report on April 29, 2019. Inv. See threatened Tammy Queen several times with arrested if Grandma was not turned over to him. Grandma was returned to the people claiming to be her owners, where she now lives in the garage once again.

    We are heartbroken this beautiful little girl was not protected by the animal laws of the State of GA and County of Bartow. Those of you in the animal community can clearly see, this little girl was not a product of “old” age but was a product of neglect. We can only hope Bartow County Animal Control along with Bartow County Sheriff Office will make visits to check on Grandma to make sure she receives proper medical care and the heat isn’t unbearable for her poor little broken body. Again we’ve been told no charges will be filed against the owners because “she’s an old dog”.

    It’s time for animal welfare laws to change!
    Grandma and others should not suffer due to an Investigator having to deal with a “damned dog” case instead of shooting and robbery cases. Yes folks , May 2, 2019 Inv. Ken See, Bartow County Sheriff Office, referred to Grandma as a “DAMNED DOG”!

    Grandma needs returned immediately to Harlee’s Angels Rescue where she received superior medical care!

    Please contact:

    Bartow County Sheriff Clark Millsap
    Sheriff Clark Millsap Sheriff sheriffmillsap@bartow.org ext. 6065

    Bartow County Commissioner Steve Taylor
    Steve Taylor

    Animal Control Head Tommy Gentry
    Tommy Gentry
    770-387-5153 (ASK FOR TOMMY GENTRY)

    State Attorney General Chris Carr
    Office of the Attorney General
    40 Capitol Square, SW
    Atlanta, Ga 30334
    (404) 656-3300
    Update #15 years ago
    Grandma was found by a person running at large in incoming traffic June 14 or 15, 2019. It was stated her collar was embedded, fur matted, stunk really bad, skin and bones.
    This is NEGLECT!
    Call, email and demand Grandma be returned,
    Time for Shawn and Loddie Knowles to be charges! Enough is Enough!
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