Stop the Wyoming Gambling Bill

The Wyoming legislature is considering a bill in the House (HB0284) specifically focused on regulating the expansion of video slot machines to truck stops, liquor and convenience stores, bars, restaurants, and nightclubs around the state.  This would lead to nearly 3,000 new slot machines in over 1,000 establishments across the state, requiring nearly $2M and 30-40 new state employees to properly manage. 

However, the bill does not appropriate any funds for this activity, and applies a tax rate on slot machine vendors that is laughably low, leaving a large unfunded mandate for the state Lottery Corporation and/or Liquor Division, the costs of which will inevitably land on the taxpayer.  In addition, the bill does not provide sufficient detail or direction, leaving the door open to abuse and corruption by organized crime, large out-of-state gaming companies, or both.

Our fears and concerns about this legislation are echoed by the Wyoming Association of Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police, as heard in public testimony on the bill and other proposed legislation during this session.

We believe the current gaming environment is appropriate for Wyoming and is regulated at an appropriate level of governmental involvement to ensure the safety and rights of the citizens of our great state.  We are opposed to new legislation that will introduce additional regulation, expand the size and scope of government, and either restrict or expand gambling.  Very simply, we support the status quo and encourage legislators to vote NO on bills that will change the current gaming environment. 

In addition to signing this petition, you can contact your legislators using the information on our website:

(Disclaimer: WPPC is not affiliated in any way with, The Petition Site, Facebook, Twitter, or any other websites, social media tools, or any causes they may be associated with.  We use the services provided by these sites in order to spread our message and interact with the public, and we do not endorse them in any way.  Aside from the issues we list on our website, we do not support or oppose any other causes or political parties, whether conservative or liberal, left or right, Republican or Democrat, etc.)

Update #26 years ago
The Wyoming State House and Senate are holding more hearings this week on HB0284 and SF0132, the bills that set up an expansion of government that could cost $3 million per year, and add a new government agency with as many as 50 new government employees -- all while burdening charities with new fees, taxes, and mountains of paperwork.

The Committee Members need to hear from you now!

Visit to text, email, and call them so they know to vote NO on these bills!
Update #16 years ago
We still need your help to stop the gambling bills in the Wyoming Legislature!

Click here:

The "Big Government Bureaucracy Expansion" bill, creating the new Gaming Commission is now Senate SF0132. The "Video Slot Machines On Every Corner" bill is in the House Appropriations Committee as HB0206.

These are bad bills, expanding government and inviting crime.

Click here to tell Legislators to vote NO! on these bills:
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