North Cyprus is over run with dogs. The shelters are under staffed, have no facilities, and the dog numbers grow by the day. Building more shelters is not a solution to housing unwanted dogs. Stopping them breeding in the first place will be a good way to stop. Irresponsible owners leave their dogs in season out on the streets to breed, then after aquiring number of puppies, they dump them, who are then left to breed again!
The money spent on food in the shelters out weighs the money that could be spent neutering.
People feely breed hunting dogs, living in cages all their lives, sell endless pupies, that if they do not naturally hunt or are afraid of gun shot noise, they too are dumped. ..and guess what? They roam and breed!
As there are no regulations for breeding, dogs with diseases eg tick and sand fly diseases, are bred and the problem is spread also. These diseases are lethal, unpleasant and result in a most unpleasant death if not treated properly. Many strays starve to death, are killed on the roads, or left to die. This HAS TO STOP NOW!
Please sign and share this petition. There is no need to breed. We have enough dogs on the island for everyone!
We have seen enough of dogs with teats hanging on the ground roaming the streets, who are too weak to feed themselves, let alone puppies. We have seen enough bodies in the road side, and dying dogs with no vetinary care. We have seen enough of neglect by ignorant owners. Many of us DO care. Please care about them too. Thank you.
ps..check out our fb page 'TRNC animal rescue family,' where you can see our trials and tribulations with all our dogs and 1 horse, and can donate.