Stop Abusing Your Pets, outlaw inhumane bark 'aids'
With all the new information out about dog training and cognition, I don't think its reasonable to allow mainstream, family friendly, pet shops to sell barking control aids, such as the 'husher' which is essential forcing your dogs mouth shut whenever they want to communicate, for long enough that your dog eventually feels hopeless and misunderstood and stops trying.
But by not addressing the reason why your dog barks in the first place, these aids are ineffective and inhumane.
Apart from ruining your relationship with your dog and putting your companion into a state of stress, the barking 'aids' can cause serious physically and mental problems for your dog.
Lets stop pretending as if dog owners can do as they please with their pets and stand up for the animals in our lives.
"Quick and easy", rarely happens with dogs, not without causing stress and fear.
Lets see the end of these products, promoting an outdated, ineffective method of control and start listening to our pets instead!
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