This Cop Shot a Family's Dog in Front of Two Children Shortly After Hitting Another Dog with His Car

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: Davenport, Iowa police department
A police officer in Iowa just shot a family's two-year old dog to death - right in front of two kids and a mom. And all this only happened a few weeks after he killed another dog with his police cruiser, which he described as "smoking a dog" to a colleague.

Yet the Davenport, Iowa police department is claiming that he did nothing wrong, and he has faced zero consequences.

Sign the petition to demand that this man be immediately fired from the police department and prosecuted for his callous animal slayings!

During this most recent incident, officers had received a call about four dogs wandering the neighborhood and appearing aggressive. This cop never found those dogs. Instead, he slowly pulled into an alley alongside a family's home where two elementary school-aged children were playing with their black lab, Myst.

The officer told the young children to get a leash for Myst, even though he was in their own front yard. The kids ran off to comply with his order, and in the meantime, Myst ran up to inspect the cop, sniff him, bark a bit, and ran away back towards the house.

As the dog was running away - and when it was only a few feet from the mom and children - the officer opened fire. He fired two shots, even though he was far away from the animal by that point, and could have easily hit the children or mother.

Myst the dog writhed in pain, cried out, and slowly died in front of the young boys.

This man is obviously extremely violent and trigger happy. He is not safe to be roaming the streets! A coward and a bully on a huge power trip should never have access to a gun - much less be on the police force.

Sign the petition to send this reckless, dog-murdering man to prison! He should be fired from the Davenport Police Department and arrested for his brutality towards animals.
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