Demand the media cover Trump’s craziness properly!

As Vice President Harris surges in the polls, Trump has become increasingly erratic and unhinged, issuing absolutely ridiculous statements on a daily basis that the mainstream media just…doesn't choose to cover.

Recently, Trump declared, without any evidence, that schools were performing sex changes operations on children without parental consent. "But uh, the transgender thing is an incredible thing… your kid goes to school & comes home a few days later with an operation the school decides what's going to happen with your child & you many of these childs [sic] 15 years later say 'what the hell happened, who did this to me?'"

Tell the media to cover Trump ACCURATELY!

This is, of course, an absolutely insane thing to say and a breathtaking lie…and yet there was little coverage of the comments in the mainstream media.

America needs to know about what kind of person Trump really is — a man who does not exist in reality and is pushing dangerous, delusional conspiracy theories with no basis in anything even resembling the truth.

Demand the media cover Trump's craziness properly!

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