Save Wild Horses from Deadly Sterilization Surgeries

Update 2020

Every Year the Bureau of Land Management tries to get this pushed though. Below info was 2018. They have proposed doing it the last two years also. This Year they are planning on doing it to another area. 

The BLM is planning painful and potentially life-threatening medical experiments on wild protected mares in The Warm Springs Herd Management Area. This is only used in rare cases in Domestic horses under hospital condidtions. 

They start the trauma by rounding them up using helicopters, by chasing them with helicopters which often results in injuries or death in itself. Once rounded up. They will then surgically sterilize the Mares using an experimental and inhumane procedure. The Mares undergo ovariectomies through a colpotomy — an invasive and risky surgery whereby the mare's ovaries are pulled out while the animal remains conscious.

This is painful and there is no aftercare so intestines can pop out of the site and infection is a huge risk. The mares who are pregnant will probley miscarry and many mares will die. They want to use mares who are in different stages of pregnancy.  They have now had the horses so long they have given birth but in now way changes the fact this is inhumane. 

This proposal is especially unconscionable considering a humane method of population control is available through the use of the proven PZP birth control, which is used with many animals and has a proven success record.

Please join me asking the BLM to not abuse the animals they are supposed to be caring for. Call your Senators and Congress people and demand they stop this.  202 224-3121 ask to be connected to your officals and leave a message..


Update #72 years ago
We are now going to meet with congress and if you would please sign this petition it would help save more horses's-wild-horses-and-burros/
To follow us and be more involved check us out at We are getting ready to do a Rally, Conference and a lobby day April 22-26 2023. join us to stop the abuse
Update #62 years ago
We would like to let everyone know that this horrible option is off the table for now.
The Horses Still need YOU
We are working on a week long event to Save Our Native Wild Horses April 26th to April 30th 2022 in Washington D.D. . Please join us in DC or take actions on one of the several actions included on the website.
Thank you all again.
Update #55 years ago
This is the last update I will be allowed on this petition . BLM has decided that they are going to do the experiments!! They say the horses are no long pregnant but It doesn't matter as this a last resort on domestic horses in hospital setting and this will be in the field. Please sign and join me To follow up on this issue.
Also call you congress and Senate officals and ask them to help. Just enter your zip. Thank You!
Update #46 years ago
The BLM have stopped their plans. The mares have been rounded up so are now and trying to get them released. This petition did help so a huge thank you. I am working on another petition along this same lines to save horse from Slaughter I will up date you when I do. I will keep this active for now so if they try again I will have this ready. I wanted to Thank you all so very much. You helped save Mares and Foals from being killed so take pride in making a difference. THANK YOU!!
Update #36 years ago
"U.S. District Court Judge today issued a preliminary injunction to stop the (BLM) from proceeding with controversial experiments to surgically remove the ovaries of wild mares in Oregon. The experiments were set to begin this month on mares rounded up from the Warm Springs HMA ." It will be challenged but it gives us time to get this blocked permantly. I will keep this going and will take it in to BLM and to Others. There are also other lawsuits pending So hope this is over soon!!
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