On thursday April 5th at 9:30 p.m. a juvenile male approached Ammo (who he knew, and was clearly not scared of) and shot him in close range 5 times with a bb gun. Ammo in his defense then bit the juvinile, and the bite resulted in 6 stitches.
Ammo has a family that loves him very much, and are heartbroken they may be forced to have their pet euthanized. He has never harmed or bit anyone before. Montana Statutes section 27-1-715 applies to specific dog bite cases. The statute allows an injured person to hold a dog's owner liable if:
"the injured person did not provoke the dog."
Clearly he was provoked, and is being punished for doing what any human/animal would do which is defend themselves. He is a New english bulldog breed, and people think because of the breed, and their look that they are an agressive dog. It is not so.
Please sign and help prevent Ammo from being euthanized, and also to maybe start something else about animal cruelty, and abuse no matter the breed or animal. I know from living in malta almost all my life this has happened before to families and they lose a pet they consider a family member because of kids abusing, and teasing them. And also to add why was this kid out on a school night (thursday) at 9:30p.m. with a bb gun shooting animals.
The wrong people and animal are being punished. Lets start this change by stopping Ammo from being murdered because of someone who has already hurt him as is...please sign and share. Please sign before 2:30p.m. on April 10th.