Italy Is Removing Lesbian Mothers' Names from Their Kids' Birth Certificates

In the northern city of Padua, Italian mothers are facing tragedy: their names are being removed from their children's birth certificates. Authorities have already legally stripped 33 children of one of their parents because of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's hateful, anti-LGBTQ agenda.

Additionally, Meloni's administration has banned local authorities from continuing to register same-sex partners as their kids' parents.

We must stand in solidarity with these women and protect their families!

Sign now to demand the Italian Parliament reinstate the mothers removed from their children's birth certificates, and stop the ban on same-sex parent registration!

This move also directly opposes a number of conventions, treaties, and covenants that the state of Italy has already committed itself to. The Universal Declaration of Human RIghts and the European Convention on Human Rights formally enshrine the right to create a family into law, and the country has already ratified both.

By attacking same-sex families, Prime Minister Meloni is also attacking kids and their right to a loving, happy household.

People who raise, care for, and love their children are parents. It is that simple.

The Italian Parliament must reinstate these mothers' names on their children's birth certificates, and end the same-sex parent registration ban once and for all! Sign the petition now if you agree!
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