This Vet Hospital Chain Is Harming Its Staff and the Pets They Care For. Demand Justice!

Staff at Valley Vets in Wales are bravely standing up against their employer, VetPartners — a corporate giant with a value of £3 billion. These workers are striking to protest low wages and harsh working conditions that threaten both their livelihoods and the wellbeing of the pets they care for. The situation has gotten so bad that the organization's high fees are forcing animal owners to euthanize their pets because they cannot afford expensive veterinary care.

Sign the petition to demand VetPartners to meet the union demands for fair pay and improved working conditions at Valley Vets!

VetPartners' refusal to offer fair pay and humane working conditions is a stark example of corporate greed overshadowing the essential care our beloved animals need. 

It's distressing that many staff members face such financial strain that they must resort to food banks to cope. The fact that pet owners are being forced into heartbreaking decisions about their pets' lives due to unaffordable costs is a disgrace.

This strike highlights the critical intersection of labor rights, animal welfare, and the fight against corporate exploitation in the veterinary sector.

Sign the petition to let VetPartners know that the public demands they uphold dignity in employment and integrity in animal care!

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