- by: Patricia F
- recipient: Mme Frédérique VIDAL Ministre de l'Enseignement supérieur de la recherche et de l'innovation
It is unacceptable to provide financial support to research that causes suffering and death of innocent dogs. Animals are not laboratory tools to be experimented upon.
Millions of euros are generously donated to you for your work, so why do you not use proven alternative methods currently available (and also invest in the development of new ones) ?
For many years, professor Testard, researcher and director at the INSERM (National Institute for Health and Medical Research) has condemned the controversial practices undertaken by the TELETHON.
As we all know, the French Muscular Dystrophy Association collects vast sums of money in December of each year aimed at treating neuromuscular, neurological, auto-immune and other types of diseases. This fundraising effort is always highly successful, with millions of euros pouring in, thanks to the generosity of the public.
Personnally, I do not and will never donate one centime ! I can just imagine all you well intended people saying : « But it’s for a good cause ! » Who is this woman devoid of compassion ? » Obviously she has never had to take care of somebody who is ill, etc.
Well, believe me, I am very well qualified to talk on this subject. I lost my husband, his three brothers and my father-in-law to a hereditary auto-immune disease. For years I helplessly witnessed the suffering of repeated hospitalisations and the continued use of oxygen tanks to try to save my sick loved ones. And there is still no treatment in sight. My husband and I have always loved animals. During the last years of his life our little pet dog was his only real comfort. Yet despite his pain and suffering, he always remained opposed to animal experiments, which he found completely unacceptable.
I decided to launch this petition to expose the activities of the TELETHON, and all the other associations that also support animal research.
The huge show of solidarity for the cause is the perfect recipe for garnering public support :
- a highly televised spectacle with enormous support by all of the media,
- round-the-clock participation by well known celebrities for the entire duration of the fundraiser,
- Téléthon infostalls manned by volunteers in most cities and villages throughout France, etc.
All of this would be very touching if it wasn’t covering up something quite macabre. We must no longer close our eyes to the suffering of these poor dogs (Golden retriever, Beagles and others). These practices are abominable and unacceptable. Most of these miserable creatures do not reach the age of nine months. They endure unspeakable suffering.
Did you know that animal researchers purposely breed dogs in order that they develop painful muscular degeneration and paralysis. Their pitiful bodies become so weak that they can no longer stand up, they become paralysed and unable to swallow. They also experience difficulty breathing and are ultimately fed by a tube !!
It is well recognised that animal experiments are ethically objectionable. It is an affront to the Animal Kingdom. Innocent animals pay the price with their lives for the sake of treatments that don’t work in people.
Following is an excerpt that recently appeared in France West :
« No, the researchers do not torture animals ! It is time for the authorities to speak out on this subject ! », pleads Laurence Tiennot-Herment, president of AFM-Téléthon.
The full text of the article is available in the following link :
I put a simple question to the president of the AFM : « How would you describe the practices and the state of these poor dogs as seen in the video below » ? , filmed by PETA at the laboratory for neurobiology at the Maison Alfort school of veterinary medicine, and funded by AFM TELETHON.
Yes, indeed, the faculty of veterinary medicine ! (Ironic, wouldn’t you say ?)
Madame president, you state, and I quote : « animal research is an essential tool, and is strictly regulated and overseen by the authorities ».
What kind of regulation are you referring to ? One that regulates and condones animal suffering ?
Have these cowardly regulatory authorities completely closed their eyes to the suffering of these poor creatures ?
You want your organisation to be a part of a future endeavour to promote animal welfare, but it appears obvious that you cannot speak of animal welfare as long as you continue to conduct animal experiments on sentient beings !
Many of you must ask yourselves where these dogs are bred to suffer and die. Many animal protection groups have criticised the breeding centre Des Souches in the departement of l’Yonne, which is recognised as being the biggest supplier of dogs destined for laboratory experiments. This establishment is situated about 30 km from Auxerre. This has to be one of the most infamous breeding centres in terms of animal suffering.
For more information on this miserable place, click on the link below :
All of these atrocities are senseless. We use dogs to serve the blind, others to help the disabled, and some for early detection of epileptic fits. These dogs adapt themselves to the disability and the suffering of these patients.
These dogs demonstrate an unconditional devotion to their masters.
And yet, researchers and scientists won’t hesitate to use dogs as laboratory tools and to expose them to unspeakable cruelty.
How do you researchers feel when you observe the love of a dog, knowing that you are about to conduct cruel experiments that will inflict extreme pain and suffering that will lead to certain death ?
Is an academic title all that is needed to denude a human of all compassion ? I want to know, and believe me I am not alone, there are thousands of people asking themselves the very same question.
Below is a Press Release by Antidote Europe, which is opposed to animal experimentation for strictly scientific reasons.
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