A woman confessed to killing many cats! She even has her son doing this! On her Facebook page in one of her posts, she admitted to doing so.
This is what she said: "As he drives mom around he runs over 3 cats maybe people should keep there cats at there home and not on the street so proud of him Eliminating the cat population". With that, she posted a photo of herself in the passenger seat smiling as her son was driving.
After many people saw her post and commented in retaliation stating how cruel and disgusting she and her son are, she removed the post and began to deny everything. However, thanks to screenshots, her post will always be around for people to see.
This a monster who is raising children to follow in her monstrous footsteps! Many screenshots have been taken!
The police were called and of course she denied it all, leaving her to do even more harm. A co-worker of hers spoke up about how she admitted to mixing Rat Poison in with a can of Tuna! So as these little innocent animals go to eat, they end up DYING a very SLOW and MORE THAN PAINFUL death.
Reports of bodies of Cats, Skunks and many other animals we're spoken about from those who live near her. This all takes place in Hopatcong, New Jersey.
My goal here is to stop this vile woman and her children from being able to do this again and again!
Together, we can stop her! Let's be the voice for these animals!
Thanks to the help of a brave young man, she was confronted and the video is going viral. Let's let her know that she and her son are now out in the open and in the spotlight! Justice must be served and these monsters MUST BE STOPPED!
Here is the evidence:
Her name is Vasfije Cain (Facebook name is Vas Cain), she's 43 and her and her sons live in Hopatcong, NJ and she works at the Quick Check on Route 206 in Byram township, NJ. I have screenshots of her conversations with people on Facebook showing no remorse for these heinous acts, the testimony of a coworker stating she confessed to mixing rat poison in with tuna, and this same coworker driving to her house the next day to find dead cats, skunks and other animals in this vile woman's yard.
I don't know how to add screenshots here, but they're real, and extremely disturbing. This evil lady and her sons needs to be brought to justice and their actions stopped forever. Sign so the police in her town know that they're in the spotlight and forced to end this disgusting murderous and cruel behavior once and for all!
Thank you.