Apparently, a farm that supplies milk to Cadbury shoots male calves in the head to feed hunt hounds. It is common for dairy farmers to shoot male calves as they won't produce milk, and only a few males are needed to breed with the female dairy cattle 🐮. Sign this petition to demand that Cadbury source their milk from humane farms that don't shot male calves.
Cadbury also uses dirty palm oil in their products, linked to deforestation, which is destroying the homes of orangutans and other wildlife, and driving them to extinction. Sign this petition to urge Cadbury to switch to ethically-produced palm oil.
Also, Cadbury abandoned their Fairtrade Certification. Sign this petition to demand that Cadbury support workers and ensure that they are paid properly and not exploited.
Ethics should come above profits. We will keep on to Cadbury until they improve their animal welfare standards, stop using unethical palm oil, agree to keep with/go back to their Fairtrade Certification and keep these changes for as long as can be.
May you and all sentient beings be perfectly well, healthy, happy and safe forever.
Thank you 😊 to the moon 🌓 and back.
Have the best day and night ever!
Update #15 years ago
Hi 👋,
I have just messaged Cadbury’s about their ethics. I included a link to this petition. Hopefully, they will get back to me soon and act on the suggestions.
Thank you 😊 to the moon 🌓 and back for signing, sharing and for all the good you do, will do and have ever done.
Best Wishes,
Have the best day and night ever!