Where Is Happy the Elephant? The Bronx Zoo Must Finally Send Her to a Sanctuary.

Happy the Elephant is a majestic Asian elephant who has lived in captivity almost her entire life. While she has been forced to live alone for the last 13 years in the Bronx Zoo, she has reportedly not been seen in public since July 2024, raising serious concerns about her health and well-being. Happy deserves to live in an environment that fulfills her social, physical, and psychological needs.

We are calling on the Bronx Zoo to provide transparent evidence of Happy's health and to ultimately relocate her to a sanctuary where she can live out the rest of her days in a more natural and social environment.

Sign the petition to urge the Bronx Zoo to immediately provide proof of Happy's current health status and commit to relocating Happy to a reputable elephant sanctuary!

Happy is known for her intelligence and emotional depth, and even passed a mirror test which many believe proves she has self-awareness.

Happy's situation has ignited a significant public outcry, reflecting broader shifts in public expectations about animal welfare in captivity. The Bronx Zoo has a responsibility to adapt and respond to these concerns by prioritizing the well-being of the animals in its care.

Sign this petition to demand that Happy receives the care she deserves and has a chance to live out her remaining years with dignity!

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