Pork Checkoff is a group funded by the pork industry and USDA. They make animal welfare groups like HSUS and PETA look bad. fund studies to lie to consumers, and hide horrific animal abuse.
The Pork Checkoff responded to an undercover investigation into a pig farm calling the horrendous abuse, not common practice. But countless investigations into these facilities beg to differ.
The Pork Checkoff has funded over 200 'studies' to create false and skewed results to lie to consumers about the health benefits of pork, as well as downplaying the health problems animal products cause. Many studies also were skewed to make veganism look unhealthy.
Not only that but after a Mercy For Animals investigation showed pigs being whipped with farm employees belts, the Pork Checkoff said the video had been staged. Also, the Pork Checkoff creates farm 'education' tools for children 12 and under, stating how to mutilate, cull and inseminate pigs.
But the USDA thinks that it is ok for the Pork Checkoff to abuse animals, lie to consumers, skew studies, brainwash children, and call animal shelter employees terrorists. Please tell them to stop.
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