Fluffy had finally found a home in the trees in front of our apartment building but his young life was cut short by a tenant who poisoned Fluffy while he searched for food on the back lawn of the apartment building. Tamara Blatter, a confirmed bird hater finally succeeded in ridding the trees of Fluffy when we found a piece of poisoned bread caught in our cat net. She lives above us and fortunately, the bread she threw over her balcony did not land on the grass but in our cat net. Unfortunately, Fluffy ate the other pieces of bread and in three days he was dead. Since the bread came from above and Tamara Blatter is the only tenant living above us, I have to assume it was her especially since she has a reputation as a bird hater (having been observed throwing rocks and objects at the birds in the past.) It is too late for sweet Fluffy but not for this evil person who should be punished even if the police and the veterinary bureau has done nothing so far. Please sign the petition to send to the Director of the Thurgauer Veterinary Bureau to let him know that the poisoning of wild birds will not be tolerated. Tamara Blatter should be punished for her illegal and cruel actions. The poisoning of wild birds is illegal in Switzerland. Thank you so much. With your signature, you are giving a voice to Fluffy who cannot "sing" anymore. Diana H.