The people of Abilene, Texas have fallen in love with Marty.
Marty isn't a local politician or hero. No, he is a young black and white cat that is lucky to be alive.
Marty was found Feb 6, by a local homeowner who found him curled up in their backyard.
The kitten was in bad shape — stuck in his back was a rusty pair of shearing scissors. Some disgusting cretin had stabbed the helpless cat and left it to suffer and die. "This is one of the very worst animal abuse attacks we have seen in the last 20 years."Marty was rushed to the Emergency Veterinary Clinic to be assessed and treated. After a thorough review of his injuries, including an X-ray, the vet breathed a sigh of relief.
The scissors had luckily missed his spinal cord but there was still significant damage. The shears had cut his spleen in two places, nipped his small intestines and nicked his ureter.Marty was nurse backed to health and within just a few days was adopted. His new mom says he is the most lovable, affectionate cat. She is so surprised that a cat that has gone through so much could still love a human.
In fact, his kind and forgiving demeanor earned him his name Martin Luther King or "Marty" for short. Police are looking for clues to find out just who did this to Marty, but it is important to keep up the pressure and make sure they don't let this case slide.
That's why we need your help to keep this story in the headlines. Please sign the petition and tell Abilene police that you want justice for Marty.
Photo credit:
The Emergency Vet Clinic, Abilene, TX